If it’s been a while since your last ride, you might need to make sure your bicycle is still roadworthy. UC Davis Bike Barn student manager and third-year statistics major John Zuercher provided these pointers:
Inflate your tires to the recommended air pressure, found on the sidewall of the tire.
Make sure your safety equipment is up to snuff: Your helmet should be tight, and a front light and rear reflector are legally required if you ride at night.
Check the adjustment on your brakes — if the lever pulls closer than two finger-widths from the handlebar, it’s time for a tune-up.
Tighten any loose bolts on the bicycle with an Allen wrench.
Check that your wheels don’t wobble. If your wheels are fitted with a quick-release lever, it should be tight.
If your bicycle fails any of these safety tests, take it to a local shop. The Bike Barn performs a basic tune-up for $60. “Our whole model is to provide a service to the community,” said Zuercher.